Year-End Video Wrap-up

Due to a busy morning and a babysitter this afternoon, Mommy hasn’t put the puppet theater together yet. Hopefully tonight.

Here are some videos from this fall that I finally uploaded last night.

This is from October – it’s a game I was playing with the girls on our bed:

This one is from a few weeks ago – the girls and Addie were having a delicious after-dinner ice cream treat:

Here are the girls lighting the menorah:

Here are the girls helping me celebrate my birthday:

And finally, my personal favorite, the girls hopping around on their new hoppety balls:


Anonymous says:

Thank you so much for the darling videos. They brought me so much pleasure. Loved them all.

Dina says:

Dear Gayle,
Thanks so much for sending these videos. They all are adorable. We especially like the one where the girls are hopping on your bed in response to the questions that you posed. REALLY CUTE! Keep them coming!

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