Christmas Eve

Busy day with M & A. This morning, we visited our friends Pat and Cheryl K., and Cheryl’s husband Yaron, who have a lovely Christmas tree and a house full of decorations. We brought some cookies and had a great time talking and catching up. Thank you, Pat, for Mole Music and Caps for Sale! We read Caps for Sale tonight.

In the afternoon, we had a fun playdate with Lily, and then afterwards we drove back to Pat’s neighborhood to check out a house that has a crazy amount of Christmas lights and decorations. We could barely get close to it because of the number of people pulled up to see the lights. There is also a house across the street with a lot of inflatable characters, including Elmo. Then we went to Buppie’s for a yummy dinner and ice cream sandwiches.

M said 2 memorable things today:

1) She has been saying that she doesn’t want to be a mommy. I asked her why, and she said that it didn’t seem like very much fun.

2) After going potty at Lily’s house, M was taking a while to pull up her panties, tights and skirt. She looked at me and said,"I’ve got a lot of layers going on!"

Here are some photos of Pat and Cheryl and the girls, inflatable Elmo and the house with all the lights.

Tree2 Tree

Tree3 Tree4 Elmo2



Anonymous says:

Again, thanks for the wonderful blog, the lovely photos, and of course your beautiful daughters.

TLB says:

Great photos with the Nutcracker!

Sarah says:

Hey… i am sorry i haven’t commented. my e-mail is down and this website doesn’t work on my computer. luckily i am aloud to briefly use the laptop. anyway… the girls sound so adorable. give everyoney love!

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