Your Love is Like a Bad Medicine

We’re having a problem with A. Since she got sick on Saturday, she has not been sleeping well at all. She is waking up many times each night, crying and very difficult to console. Once she’s up, she will only go down for about 5-10 minutes at a time before she’s up again, crying for us. It is getting to be very, very difficult. We are exhausted. I mentioned before that it’s like we have newborns again. I even took a 10-minute catnap at work on Monday (don’t tell anyone I work with (other than those of you who read this blog – hi CS and LV and LB (?))) – it was that bad.

I have a suspicion that it’s the antibiotic that she’s on. She’s very, very sensitive to medicine – always has been. I think that the meds are keeping her up and possibly giving her bad dreams. They are taking her separation anxiety – which has been heightened lately – and increasing it exponentially. This only a suspicion, of course, but I have a feeling that her sleeping will go back to normal once the meds have run their course.

It’s sad because during the day, she is her usual sweet self. Very sweet, in fact. Over the weekend, when she was sick and missed gymnastics and a birthday party, she didn’t complain at all. She’s been just lovely. It’s only at night when she’s so difficult.

When I am this tired, my well of patience runs very very low. I’ve been upstairs about 6 times since the girls went down, and I’m getting increasingly cranky about it. I think I need to go to bed… which I can’t do until they do.

2 more days of meds to go.


Christina says:

You poor thing!!! I say work from home the rest of the week!

Lisa says:

your secret is safe with me. : )

Anonymous says:

I hope A recovers quickly, for your sake and hers. Give “my” girls a huge HUG from their old aunt.

Len says:

Don’t worry…the secret’s safe with me…I’m sure I’ll need that nap myself someday soon!

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