
Sometimes I am absolutely amazed at what the girls know/remember. Tonight, in the bath, I asked them to name the girls in their class. Then the boys. Then M challenged me to ask her the names of the moms of hte kids in her class. They knew half of them! Then the dads – and they knew some of those too! Even the nannies (if applicable) – they knew all of those names. Very, very impressive. Then we were talking later about birthmarks, and M said, "Aliya has a birthmark, right?" (Aliya is my best friend’s daughter.) I said yes, and M knew exactly where it was – on Aliya’s calf. Then she said, "The last time Aliya was here, we had a picnic outside in the backyard." That’s true. I think it was last spring.

Another thing that amazes me is that we’ll just be driving along in the car, and the girls will be quiet, and then one of them will come up with something like, "Mommy, remember when we were at the beach, and there were two playgrounds, and we sat and ate bagels, and there were crumbs on the table?" or "Mommy, remember last year, there was a decoration in front of someone’s house for Christmas, and it had a snowman who was falling asleep?" I find their minds endlessly fascinating – what occurs to them and when, what their thought processes are. Their young three year-old brains are constantly moving, thinking, processing, remembering.

1 comment

Debbie Wager says:

Almost as smart as their mother!!

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