Sesame Live!

Sometimes, as a parent, you hit one out of the park. You do something that your kids love, that makes them so happy, that you can’t even believe it. Today was one of those times, and it was through no effort of my own. Our friend Peyton suggested a while back that we go to see Sesame Live! at a stadium not far from here. I hadn’t really thought about it, but we agreed and put the date in our calendar and didn’t really think much about it until today. In fact, we didn’t even spend much time prepping the girls to build up their anticipation. It was just one more activity at the end of a busy, activity-filled weekend.

Well, thanks to Peyton, we went to Sesame Live! and had fantastic seats. And. The. Girls. Loved. It. LOVED. IT. I cannot even describe the looks on their faces when Big Bird and Elmo came out at the beginning – absolute excitement and happiness. Even better – because our seats were so good, M & A (and Addie, Peyton’s daughter) could reach out and shake hands with some of the creatures (puppets? muppets? animals? large furry wannabe Broadway dancers?) when they walked by. A shook Bert’s hand, high fived Zooey, and met Elmo… my god was she excited. It was just really cute to see how into it they were.

So that was the highlight of our day. We also went to a concert at the nursery school this morning with a pretty good kids’ band called The Dream Jam Band. We got the CD and have listened to it a few times – it’s a hit. Also, at one point, I put the girls up on the stage so that they could see the band up close while it was playing. M especially was very interested in the instruments and the band. If I never live my dream of playing guitar in a rock band, then damnit, maybe she will!

So that was our Sunday.

Here are some pics from Sesame Live!. You can see just how close up we were. Mom – these were taken with the new camera.

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1 comment

Anonymous says:

Very cute. Thanks for sharing.

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