Complicated Negotiations

I am in Detroit for a night for work. I miss the girls. Here are some stories from yesterday.

1. The girls have been sleeping with Baby Hella, who is the smaller of our two Hello Kitty dolls. They alternate nights – A sleeps with her one night, then M, etc. Yesterday morning, when the girls woke up, A said, "Oh no! Baby Hella is on the floor!" M said, "I get to sleep with Baby Hella tonight." A said, "Wait, that’s not fair, because she fell out of my bed." Good point. Who gets Hella if she falls out of the bed? Does it depend on what time she fell out? So M said, "Ok, you can have Hella another night." And then A said, "No, it’s ok, you can have Hella tonight." That night, M said she wanted Hella, and A said, "It’s my turn." I reminded them of the morning’s exchange, and M said, "Yeah, and you said I could have Hella tonight." A said, "Ok." And that was that. Now if we could only negotiate peace in the Middle East…

2. I like to sing "I Love you Conrad" from "Bye Bye Birdie" to the girls, substituting "M" or "A" for Conrad. When I get to the part that says, "when you’re not near me, I’m blue," the girls always ask what "blue" means. I explained that in addition to being a color, "blue" can also mean sad. They asked what other colors had meaning other than just being a color. Here’s what we came up with:

red = angry

pink = happy

clear = just a color

black = just a color

white = happy, according to A

orange = just a color

green = sick

yellow = just a color (I didn’t want to get into the racist implications of cowardly)

khaki = just a color

grey = boring

1 comment

Aunt Darrah says:

This entry made me laugh. I miss those girls!!

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