Hanukah’s Over

Hanukah went out with a flicker tonight. The girls opened four final presents: another spelling/puzzle game; a brand new box of Toobers and Zots; a big box of assorted stamps and stamp pads (an immediate hit with M, who needed to try all of them); and some Legos. We also read the same two books as last night – the newly acquired Knuffle Bunny and Olivia Forms a Band.

I am beat. Many hours spent cleaning out the basement today, and more of the same tomorrow. How do these two little girls accumulate so much stuff?

I came across some of the girls’ old shoes today… A has these red sneakers that she wore when she was about 1 1/2. They are just the cutest, most innocent little shoes in the world. I *love* them.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I’m sure M and A had a wonderful Hanukah, thanks to you and Dan and all their loving relatives and friends. It gets bigger and better each year.

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