Best Birthday!

Today was my birthday. I had a really nice day – nothing exciting, just a regular day. Got the girls up. Went to work. After work, Buppie came over and brought dinner. Daddy came home early and made a cake for me with the girls. And then we had a long dinner, topped off by blowing out candles and watching the girls do ballet.

This was very cute: M woke up at 7. I took her to go to the potty, and then she went back to bed. I asked her if she knew that today was my birthday and she said yes. At 8, I went back in and got M and A up. M rolled over and said to A, "A, did you know that today is Mommy’s birthday?" It was the first thing on her mind.

There were many other cute things tonight, such as M telling a never-ending story about how M, A, Piggy, Bunny, Baby, Blankie, Purple Blankie, and Hella Baby all went to the carousel. No grownups were there. M paid for the carousel tickets using "seven dollars." And Baby drove them all there in her purple car.

It was a great birthday – thank you to Daddy, Buppie, M, A, and everyone else who called and made it a special day!

Here are some photos:

Cake1 Cake2 Cake3


TLB says:

What a great looking cake!! And M &A are such cuties!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Christina says:

Happy Belated Birthday!!! I am such a horrible friend for forgetting. Hope it was great!!!

Teha says:

Happy, happy Birthday Gayle!!! The girl did a great job with the cake- it looks delicious. 🙂

Anonymous says:

I wish you a belated happy birthday. From what you wrote, it sounded like it WAS very specal. The girls are adorable, as always.
Thanks for the cute photos of M and A and the great cake.
Much love,

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