Juice Box

This morning, we went to see two photography exhibits – Annie Leibovitz and Ansel Adams. Annie Leibovitz was good, but this is what I remember of the Ansel Adams exhibit: "Can I have a juice box? Can I have a juice box? When can I have a juice box? Can I have a juice box now? How about now? Now can I have a juice box? When can I have a juice box? Now can I have a juice box? How about now?" Needless to say, no juice boxes were allowed in the exhibit, so A and I beat a hasty retreat and sat outside the entrance and waited for Daddy and M to come out.

When we got home, I started thinking about what to make M & A for lunch. I asked the girls, "What do you say to turkey and mac and cheese?" A said, "What do I say to turkey? I don’t know – what *should* I say to a turkey? How about, ‘Turkey, get away from me!’"

A loves her turtle, Turtleneck. M told her today that she loves Turtleneck too, because A loves Turtleneck. Aww. So cute – that ‘s what I always tell M & A – I love Piggy and Bunny and Baby and Blankie because *M & A* love them so much.

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