Playdate Report

It’s always interesting to hear what someone objective has to say about one’s children. Maybe that’s partly why we are so invested in teacher conferences – we like to see our kids the way others do.

Every Tuesday, the girls have a playdate with two neighborhood friends, C (a boy) and O (a girl). We rotate houses and the respective nannies bring the kids over to the house of whomever is hosting. Yesterday, M & A went to O’s house. O’s mom was home (she’s usually at work) recovering from some minor surgery. She hung out with the 4 kids and the 3 nannies over lunch and then sent me this email:

I told [C’s mom] last night that all of our nannies deserve a raise. It is not easy what they do. When all four kids are together they make a huge mess and there is a lot of refereeing going on.  But, they were all ADORABLE. I sat with the kids at lunch and we played some games. A is so sweet and M is funny. C is very much a leader which is funny to watch with O b/c she is too. They are somewhat similar.

We all identified our favorite animal (all the girls said Elephant and C said Hippo) and then we told a story involving three elephants and one hippo (O made up the story which was very cute) and then M said that A was an elephant. It was really funny.  Then all the kids said what their favorite letter is…they all said O, C, M and A.  Very very cute. Then, we identified our favorite colors (red for O, Blue for C, Orange for M and Blue and pink for A.)
After O made up the story about the three elephants and a hippo, C said we needed to tell a real story and he wanted to talk about Peter Pan. He told us that Wendy and Tinkerbell are the girls in the story.

Then, I asked them to tell me their Daddy’s real name and they all got it right. A walked over and said, "my mommy’s name is Gayle."  Super cute.

A is into princesses. She showed me all of Os dolls and we talked about who was who. If she doesn’t have a princess set with snow white, Ariel, etc. that would be a good Hanukkah gift.

So, that’s my report from yesterday. Will send you guys a photo later. They are a cute four-some. Hope they continue to hang out throughout the year.



Anonymous says:

What a great blog! Loved it all.

Aunt Darrah says:

Uh oh – princesses!

rachel says:

Dear Aunt Gayle
I love your blogs. Gotta go!
xoxxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Rachel

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