Snuggle With Me… But Not For Too Long

I am back from a night out of town (which is why I didn’t post yesterday). I missed the girls a lot.

Earlier this week, M woke up in the middle of the night with a slightly wet bed. I changed her and her sheets, and put her back in bed. She asked if I would snuggle with her. I said of course, and got in bed with her. I held her for a while, and noticed that her eyes were open. Finally, she turned to me and whispered, "Could you get out of bed now? You’ve been snuggling for too long."

Also funny: when I got home tonight, the girls and Daddy had just returned from the park. Apparently his car had been bombarded by birds. M said, "Look, Mommy! Daddy’s car is dirty because the birds made a lot of dog poop!"

The girls have a GIANT (and I mean larger than they are) Hello Kitty doll that they got from Grampy and Nana. They have been having a lot of fun with it lately. They have named it Hella. They also have a turtle doll that A has named "Turtleneck". How cute is that?


Rachel says:

hey aunt gayle
I really miss you, and im sorry that i didn’t take a look at your blogs in a long time. Its just that i have school and hebrew school and homework and all kinds of things. Ipromise that every weekend I will take time looking at all your blogs.
xoxoxoxoxxoxxo Rachel

Anonymous says:

The girls are so cute and smart. Which grandparents are Grampy and Nana?

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