A Twin Moment

This morning, A woke up before M did. I needed to get ready for work, so while I took a shower, A sat on my bed and watched "Clifford" on TV. In the meantime, M woke up and started calling for me. I couldn’t hear her calling me, but A did, and she went in and got M from their bedroom. M was upset because I hadn’t heard her, and she was crying (awww). A calmed her down and then said she would help M go to the potty. They both came into my bathroom and M, eyes glistening, said, "Mommy, I was calling for you. A told me she’d help me go potty." So M went potty, and then she got off and looked at A and gave her a long hug. It was just the sweetest thing. One of the high points of having twins.

Books tonight: Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin and Duck on a Bike.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I’m touched by how loving the girls are towards each other.

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