Wake-up Call from Aunt Darrah

The girls woke up to a special surprise today – a visit from Aunt Darrah, who was in town from New York for a work event. She came up at 8 AM this morning and spent an hour with the girls. They modeled their Halloween costumes for her, put on a ballet show, read a few books, and generally had a great time with her. Before bed tonight, A said to me, "I want Aunt Darrah to come back and bring Jason. I love Jason." Awww.

Books tonight: Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Day and Harold and the Purple Crayon.

Tonight, the girls ate some marshmallow ghosts. They are yummy. Sweet. Very sweet. But yummy. Here are some photos:

Eatingghost1 Eattingghost2

Finally, some shout-outs to the Piggy and Bunny Blog commenters!

Teha: I miss you too! Glad you are staying in touch via the blog. How’s work??? Come visit. TMG isn’t the same without you.

Ann: You are the most faithful commenter. I love seeing your notes. Thanks for the encouragement on the cooking!

TLB: We’re looking forward to reading the chronicles of A & A. (Because life isn’t as good if we aren’t doing the same thing, all the time!)

Daddy: Come home soon! We miss you!

Rachel: Ever since school started, you’ve been MIA… we miss you over here at P&B. Are you still reading?

Christina: We’re all excited to see you on Wednesday!


Anonymous says:

Yum! The ghosts look delicious. M and A are so darling.

Rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
is that me rachel or a diffrent rachel?

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