Three Moon Bounces

Busy, busy day so far. We’ve already been on three moon bounces. The first one was at gymnastics – the same one the girls have been talking about since Lily’s birthday last spring. The girls were stars at gymnastics today – trampoline, monkey bars, rope swing, back somersaults… etc. And *no tears* after gymnastics, because I promised the girls that if they didn’t fuss or cry after gymnastics, they could go to…

… a fair at a local elementary school which would have another moon bounce! Turns out it had two – one large, square, standard one, and one that was a huge slide. The girls did the slide once and seemed to like it, but on the second go-around, M freaked out at the top of the slide and wanted me to come up and get her. A had already slid down, so I had one freaking out at the top of the stairs and one who wouldn’t let me put her down because she was barefoot and didn’t want her feet on the ground. Stressful. Finally I convinced M to walk back down the stairs, and we tried the other moon bounce, which they loved. Lots of somersaults.

Later: hot dog and Halloween cookies and cupcake. It’s been a banner day for nutrition over here. (And water!). Now the girls are napping, no doubt exhausted from all the physical activity this AM. After nap: haircuts (you can’t even see A’s eyes anymore), drugstore, Container Store and dog food from the vet. Busy busy Saturday! Then Daddy returns from out of town… and life gets easier.


Anonymous says:

Maddie and Alexa are really growing up — too fast. The stories about them are wonderful. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy them.

Teha says:

I miss seeing you at work, but I’m sort of stalking you with your M&A blog. I love your blog and I know your girls will cherish this log of their childhood when they are older.
I miss you!

Sandra Weiswasser says:

How about dressing up for Purim?
Okay, so you think Halloween is secular. Many people think Christmas is, too. Should Temple Sinai sponsor Christmas gift exchanges?
Finally, so much hoopla is made of Halloween that I, as a teacher, don’t think it needs to be extended by starting at 9 in the morning.

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