A’s Homework

M & A’s class has a new unit they are working on, and as part of it, every few days, one kid in the class brings home a stuffed frog named Ribbit. The kid keeps the frog at home for a few days, and, along with a parent, writes a story about the frog in a notebook that travels with the frog.

Tonight was the first of two nights that A gets to bring Ribbit home. (M’s turn comes on Friday, as they are going in alphabetical order). A and I wrote a story about Ribbit tonight. Here it is:

A brought Ribbit home in special bag. Then Ribbit played with some toys – a dollhouse, and some "ecco" (which is shiny, white, and not sticky like gak)(it’s a type of play-doh). Ribbit is a girl. Ribbit likes to walk her dog, whose name is Al. Al is a boy girl. Al is a big dog. Ribbit likes Halloween! Ribbit is going to dress up like a ghost for Halloween (a scary ghost!).

For dinner tonight, Ribbit ate dog food. And soda grape juice and water to drink.  For dessert, a bone. Ribbit watched some Wiggles. Her favorite Wiggles are the Little Wiggles (when the Wiggles were young).

Ribbit’s favorite book is Clifford. Her toothbrush is blue and purple. She doesn’t have any teeth. RIbbit has shiny eyes. Ribbit is a friendly frog.  She likes to give hugs and kisses.

Ribbit will sleep in A’s bed tonight. A’s dog, Allie, likes Ribbit. Ribbit jumps along with Allie.  Ribbit likes to sleep. She took a nap today.  She likes bubble gum toothpaste. She also likes dinosaurs. Her favorite is T-Rex."

The End.