Weekend Post

Img_5330_3I was so tired last night that I fell asleep without posting. Yesterday was a very busy day. We had gymnastics in the morning, and then went straight to Hannah’s birthday party at a paint-your-own pottery place. We missed most of the party because of gymnastics, but arrived in time for bagels and cupcakes. Happy 5th birthday Hannah!

After nap, we went to the park and met Grampy and Emmy for a tricycle ride. It’s amazing how much better the girls are at riding, after just 2 times. They rode much further, and without needing to get off. Here is some video:

Last night, instead of books, the girls painted at the kitchen table using some paints that they got in Hannah’s goody-bag.

Today, we went to our friend Amy’s house for brunch with lots of other kids. Here are some pictures of some of the girls (plus Andrew) hanging out. And now, the girls (and Daddy) are napping. Mommy may soon follow- it’s that kind of day.

Brunch Brunch2
