We’re Home

We returned from Florida this afternoon. I still haven’t uploaded the photos from the weekend, so no animals up here yet. But we had a lot of fun seeing the animals and hanging out with friends. The girls did so many funny things all weekend – I wish I could remember them all.

A doesn’t like going through security. She has cried the last few times we’ve gone through. Last night, we were talking about it, and she said, "I am going to cry tomorrow when we go through the tunnel." And she did.

Tonight in the car ride home, M gave me a pretend piece of cake, which we put on my lap. Then A decided to "eat" it. M had a total fit – crying and freaking out because A was eating my cake. Ah, what imaginations.

M decided to imitate Daddy this morning – she looked at him and said, "You have two options. You can go to the potty, or you can get in bed." Then A chimed in with, "Or you can go to the attic."  It’s really disturbing when they repeat your words back at you – you hear what you really sound like.

But the BEST news of all is that M & A have a new baby cousin – Benjamin. Born on Wednesday, October 3. We saw him on Skype tonight and he is a cutie!! Looks like his dad, Uncle Jonathan. We can’t wait to meet him. And we’ve decided that we can’t call Baby Olivia that name anymore because she is no longer a baby!

Welcome Ben!

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Love hearing about your trip to Florida. Tell me more about the new baby, Benjamin.

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