Report from Florida

We are in White Oak, Florida at a conference center while Daddy has his foreign policy meeting. The place is amazing – built on many many acres, with a whole wildlife preserve stocked with exotic animals. The girls have been on two animal tours already and are going on another in an hour. They’ve seen tigers, zebras, giraffes, rhinos, eagles, cheetahs, elands, and many other animals I haven’t even heard of before. Up close, too. (They’ve also seen horses, but were too scared to ride one. Go figure.)

They’ve also gotten to play with Addie, Clara, Aidan, and some other new friends. Lots of fun for them. There is a bowling alley here and some video games and bowls of candy around – what could be better? They’ve said and done too many funny things to remember, and I don’t have wireless in the house, so I have forgotten many things I would have liked to blog. But I did take many photos of the animals so hopefully the girls will remember the animals after we get home. I haven’t uploaded any of those pics yet, but here is one from the bath last night:


1 comment

Anonymous says:

I love reading about what all of you are doing. I’m sure the girls
are having a “ball” there. The photo is darling. Thanks again.

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