Red Jello!!

When I walked in the door from work tonight, M came upstairs from the basement and was very excited. She said, "Mommy, come here! Look at this. I need to show you something." She walked to the fridge and said, "Open the refrigerator." I did. She pointed at a bowl on the top shelf and whispered, "It’s Jello." It was. "Can I see it?", she asked. So I picked her up and showed her the Jello. She said, "I think it’s not done yet, though. It will be done in THREE MINUTES." I said, "Are you sure it isn’t three hours?" "Oh yeah, HOURS," she said.

I forgot another mispronunciation: "MUSE-KIT" instead of "music".

Tonight, I lost my patience a few times with the girls – lots of dawdling, a few tantrums from A, general non-cooperation. A told me that when I yell, it makes her cough. Cough? Sure enough, a bit later, I raised my voice at M who was off looking at photos on the screen saver instead of getting ready to read books. I looked at A, who looked at me. Then… she coughed.

Books tonight: Blueberries for Sal and Rainbow Fish.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Your M and A blogs are wonderful. I feel as thoujgh I were there with all of you.

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