
I came home from work tonight to the saddest sight: M on the couch, cheeks red, droopy eyes. She had a fever of 101.8 and didn’t want to do anything except cry or watch Clifford and the dreaded Barney. Poor girl. She didn’t have dinner and I could barely entice her to eat a piece of candy, which I promised her if she let us take her temperature.  Lots of tears. Thankfully she is now asleep and took some Tylenol which is helping with the fever.

A was very sweet tonight – telling M that it didn’t hurt that much to have her temperature taken, bringing her candy, etc. She also did something very cute – she wrapped up two little books using Piggy and Bunny as wrapping paper. The books were so neatly wrapped, with Piggy and Bunny’s heads on the top like bows.

A has been complaining lately about Allie’s bad breath. Yesterday, though, she said "I don’t mind Allie’s bad breath." I asked her if it was because it was part of Allie and we love Allie, and she said yes.

New ideas on the table tonight for Halloween: a penguin, two penguins, a pink penguin, a lion and a pumpkin. All of those are better than a caper.

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