First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. The girls did just fine. M decided that she liked her teacher after all, which was a relief. Tonight, when she was in the bath, she told me that she didn’t want me to stay at school anymore – that she is ready to be there by herself. When I left, M was painting wooden frogs, as they are Leapfrogs in school this year. A was having fun with Abigail playing with an Etch-a-Sketch.

One very cute thing – on the way to school this morning, we were talking about how M might be sad at school today after I left. M said that she would give A lots of hugs and kisses at school, especially if she felt sad. And we also decided that A could give M hugs and kisses if *she* felt sad too.

Tonight, we were talking about how the girls have gymnastics again this Saturday, and M said, "I am going to write about it on my blog right now!" I found that very entertaining.

Here are some photos from our trip to Detroit yesterday. The first is of Grandma S and Grandma Gussie walking the girls into a restaurant for lunch, and the third is of Grandma S, Grandma Gussie, M, and Grandma Gussie’s great-grandsons Ben and Brady.

Detroit1_3 Detroit2_2 Detroit3

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