Open House

We had the open house at the girls’ school today. It wasn’t exactly a resounding success. M was very shy and clingy when we got there, and didn’t seem happy to see her friends from last year (with the exception of Abigail). A was more comfortable and had a lot of fun with play-doh, a cage full of rubber insects and snakes, crayons, a small box of plastic turtles, and assorted other enticements. About 45 minutes in, M finally got comfortable enough to play with play-doh and venture away from me.

The biggest problem though, is that M took an instant dislike to one of her two teachers. She said to me a few times, "I don’t want to look at that teacher" and avoided her the whole hour, despite the poor teacher’s very friendly overtures to M. I hope that we can somehow nip this one in the bud.

Good news: the girls’ tote bags are a delightful shade of teal this year – apparently it is a new color in the tote bag palate at the school. And it was nice to see all of the kids from last year back in the same place.

The next time they go to school is next Monday.

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