Phone conversations

Tonight, the girls spent a lot of time "talking" on the phone to someone alternatively named "Betsy" or "Leeshie". The (one-sided) conversation went something like this:

"Hi."… "No, just hanging out." … "No, we’re not going to the park." … "Yes." … "No." … "Uh uh." … "The power is out." … "Someone needs to come and fix the power." … "OK, bye." … "She hanged up."

This conversation happened several times. I told M that she couldn’t talk on the phone while Daddy was reading her a book, and she said, "But Betsy might call me!"

The girls also asked me if "that’s a bummer" is a bad word or if they could say it.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I do so enjoy reading about M and A. You do a terrific job of relaying all that happens. And the photos are wonderful. Thank you again.

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