
We are home from the beach.

It was a very busy weekend. After one last day of beach and pool, we packed up the car and took a nighttime drive home from NC. We arrived at home at around 1 AM, and M & A went back to sleep in their toddler beds at home (after learning that they will be Leapfrogs in school this year and that their whole class from last year will remain together, intact, with a few new kids thrown in).

Saturday morning, we woke up and went to the first day of gymnastics. The place is a bit chaotic, and at first A didn’t want me to leave the room. But eventually she got comfortable and the girls did a great job on the balance beam, trampoline, rope swing, and monkey bars. They have several friends in the class and had a lot of fun! Later in the day, Grandma Dina, Grandpa Ron and Aunt Darrah arrived from NY, and the girls saw I (our nanny) for the first time in 2 weeks! It was fun having all of the people in the house for another weekend.

We had a big party for Daddy’s 40th birthday last night, and the girls have been enjoying the leftover cake and cupcakes. Today, we hung out at home in the morning and had lunch in the backyard on the big and little picnic tables. After nap, the girls saw Addie and baby Sam, ate pizza and (finally!) went to bed.

One funny story from the weekend, among many: yesterday, I was driving them home from gymnastics, and, feeling quite frazzled, found myself in what I thought was the wrong lane, unable to move. I yelled out the F-word very loud. A few minutes later, the girls started repeating it, singsong, "F,f,f,f,f,f." I told them it was a very bad word, and that they shouldn’t say it. I asked where they learned it, stupidly, and M said, "From you, Mommy!" Must. Be. Careful. About. Cursing.

Tonight, they asked me if "shoot" was a bad word, and I said no. Then M said, "How about ‘Oh God’?" I thought for a moment and said, "No, that one’s OK." Clearly I say both of those a lot.

Continuing the theme of birthdays, here are some videos from Buppie’s birthday from earlier this summer:

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