One-on-One Time

Another busy day here in North Carolina. This morning, I did something I rarely do – I took one girl on an errand, all by ourselves. A and I went to the supermarket and to return a kite that I bought that it turns out doesn’t come with string. We had a nice time together – in the middle of grocery shopping, she turned to me and told me she loved me. She doesn’t do that all that often, so it was very cute.

M had fun back at the house with Daddy and the grandparents, playing Memory and glitter glue and letters.

This afternoon, it was back to the pool for more jumping into the water without holding hands with a grown up – very impressive.

Other cute things today:

  • We were sitting outside on the deck after dinner looking at the stars, and M and I were wrapped in her blanket. She decided to go in, and doesn’t like to go anywhere without her blanket. However, she turned to me and said, "Mommy, are you cold?" I said no, and she said, "OK, I will take my blanket." HOW CUTE IS THAT? SHE IS ONLY 3!!
  • The house we’re renting is for sale, and people keep slowing down outside and then getting out of their car to grab info sheets. Whenever they do, M says, "Look, Mommy, they are buying the house!"

Darrah and Jason arrive tonight!

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