
Tonight we went to see a movie and the grandparents stayed home and gave M & A dinner and put them to bed. When we got home, M asked me a series of questions: What kind of movie? (I couldn’t tell her it was a shooting, action, violent movie – The Bourne Ultimatum). What kinds of seats did we sit in? Did the seats have numbers on them? Only seats on airplanes have numbers on them?

Then she played with my hair, like I play with hers, and told me that she was very happy that I was home. So sweet.

A told us as soon as we walked in that the grandparents had shortchanged her a baba (glass of milk) – giving her only one when she usually gets two. Not true, it turns out – she had two, like always. She’s a crafty one. Then she tried to get Allie to sleep on her legs.

Also a big breakthrough today – the girls jumped into the pool by themselves, no holding our hands, wearing floaties. They were very proud.

Night night, girls.

1 comment

rachel says:

i saw the bourne ulimatum and it was wy to violent for me. it’s good that you didn’t bring m & a

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