
Today was another busy day at the beach. Grandma S (aka Buppie) arrived around 1:30, which was very exciting. We went to the beach in the morning and the pool after nap, and the girls floated on their own with the help of arm floaties and inflatable rings (gifts from Grandma and Grandpa R & D). Beautiful day – no rain, not too hot.

A few cute things:

  • Tonight at dinner, the grown-ups did a toast at the beginning of the meal, clinking our glasses. A few minutes later, M turned to A and said, "Let’s touch cups." M and A "clinked" their cup and juice box.
  • Later, just as the after-dinner silliness set in, the girls started pretending that they were having friends over to play ring-around-the-rosie. One of them would knock at the screen door on the deck, and the other would let her in and they would hug and then do ring-around-the-rosie. They alternated being various friends from school.
  • M & A had a lot of fun setting the table and shucking the corn.

It’s bedtime. For me, and perhaps also for them.


rachel says:

you go to bed at 6:00?

Anonymous says:

Dear Gayle, I so look forward to reading M and A’s blogs. They are so cute and such fun. I’m so lucky to have lived long enough to know M and A. They’re so adorable and clever.

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