Haircuts and Horses

What a jam-packed Saturday!

M woke up very early today, which allowed us to get an early appointment at the salon to get M & A’s hair cut. (BTW, I think that may be our last visit to that salon – after their 3rd birthday the haircuts went up to $30 each! For 15 minute haircuts! My god.) See photos at the end of the post. Then to the toy store (didn’t buy a thing!) and to CVS and then home before the girls went back out again for brunch with Addie and the dads.

This afternoon, after nap, I took the girls to the stables nearby to see the horses. M was a little scared of them, but A wanted to see each horse’s stall and find out their names.  We also got to pet a horse named Hobbes, whose owner happens to have gone to my high school. (Gotta love living in your hometown 20 years later). See photo of Hobbes at the end of the post.

Aunt Emily came to babysit and made giving the girls dinner and a bath and putting them down look like a walk in the park. How? I am not sure. Infinite patience…?

Books tonight (so I heard): Madeline, Babar, Ducks on a Bike, Rainbow Fish, and one of M’s favorite word books.

Funny item overheard: M & A getting into the car, leaving the stables, saying "Lord have mercy!", which they have picked up from I, our nanny. Cracks me up every time. My little churchgoing Jewish daughters.

Ok, here are the haircut and Hobbes pics:

Ahaircut Mhaircut1

Mhaircut2 Horse


Anonymous says:

Love the M and A blogs. It’s such a “kick” for me to read about the girls and of course to see their beautiful faces on the photos.
Thanks again.

rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
keep up the great and cool pictures!

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