Evening Stroll

It was such a beautiful night when I got home from work tonight that I asked M & A if they would like to take a walk before bath. They said yes, so we we set out to go by their school and then to see if the cat around the corner was out. She was, so we visited with her, and then went to the "train," which is a driveway with a grassy patch in the middle that looks like an oval. The girls like to run around the oval like they are trains. Today they imitated many animals, sounds and all. It was a joy to watch.

Here are some photos from our walk.

Walk5_2 Walk4_2 

Walk3 Walk2



Anonymous says:

It’s such fun to read about M and A and their antics. Thanks for the lovely photos.

rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
i am sorry that i haven’t been talking with you in a long time, but im just so busy cause im on vacation. and by the way who’s ann?
di i miss any blogs? well logs that are not on the page anymore. on saturday were heading back home. right now my dad is reading his book ( the life and times of micheal k) and my mom is of course doing her work.
love rachel

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