End of Camp

The girls’ 8 weeks (extended from 4) at camp are done. Boo hoo! We got a letter from the camp listing what each camper said when asked the question, "What was the best part of camp?"

A said: "Purple cars."

M said: "Playing with puzzles."

We had a very busy day today. We went swimming at Nana and Grampy’s pool, which was a lot of fun. The girls practiced their kicking and floated around on a large dragon and crocodile. One funny thing – Grampy called this morning to see if we wanted to come over and swim. Last time we swam there, the automatic pool cleaner that goes around the bottom of the pool and vacuums up dirt had scared the girls a bit. I asked the girls if they wanted to go to Grampy’s, and M said, "Is George going to be there?" I then remembered that we had named the pool cleaner George. I asked Grampy if George could be turned off while we were there, and he said of course. So George had a nice long nap today from 11-2.  Right before we left, Nana and Grampy turned George back on, and he sprayed water out of the pool as he resumed his cleaning duties.

"Look!" said A. "George is awake!"

We also had a fun afternoon playdate at Norwood with Aidan (aka Old Aidan, not to be confused with New Aidan). Then we took advantage of the city being empty by going to Rio Grande for dinner and not waiting a single second for a table for 4, outside.

If only summer could last all year.

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