Report from the Weekend

We had a very busy weekend.

Yesterday, we went to a fantastic playground that has tons of great climbing equipment plus a carousel plus a train. What could be better? Well, for starters, it could have been 85 degrees instead of 95 degrees, but who’s quibbling? We saw a very long snake, which several parents on the playground assured us was not dangerous. The snake has been a recurrent topic of conversation this weekend.

Another memorable event was our first spin on the carousel. Daddy was off cleaning up from our picnic brunch, so I was alone with M & A on the carousel. I prepped them several times while we were waiting for our turn to get on: "M & A, Mommy is alone, so I need you to sit on horses that are next to each other so I can hold you both, OK?" M said that she wanted to ride a zebra (there were 3 zebras). So I said that was fine, but that A had to choose a horse next to a zebra. We discussed this – with no argument – for several minutes until the bell rang and the carousel slowed down. All of a sudden, A started in with, "I want to ride a zebra too." Imagine that the carousel is a clock. The zebras are positioned at 2 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 10 o’clock. So it would have been impossible for them both to be on zebras and have me holding them. Many tears ensued. I ended up holding A next to M’s zebra for most of the ride and feeling very dizzy.  Thankfully Daddy was back for ride #2, when they both rode zebras.

We also had a brunch today with some old friends of mine. On the way home, the girls made up a game, where M asked A if a particular house was our house, and A answered yes or no. It went like this:

M: "Is that our house?"

A: "No."

M: "Is that our house?"

A: "No."

M: "Is that our house?"

A: "No."

M: "Is that our house?"

A: "No."

M: "Is that our house?"

A: "No."

M: "Is that our house?"

A: "No."

M: "Is that our house?"

A: "No."

M: "Is that our house?"

A: "No."

This went on for about 10 minutes. Cute at first, then a little annoying. Just when I was at the end of my patience, we reached our house. All of a sudden:

M: "Is that our house?"

A: "Yes!"

It was very cute. I don’t know why I didn’t expect it, but it was a great end to the ride.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

I love the M and A blog. Thanks for sharing such cute stories.

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