Back from a Trip

I went up and back to Detroit today for a meeting. I didn’t tell the girls I was going on an airplane, because that always becomes a bigger deal in their minds than when I am just gone for a long day. (M calls it an A-plane). When I got home, M wanted to know:

1) if I was full from my meeting or if I needed dinner;

2) if I changed clothes at my meeting;

3) the names of all of the people at my meeting; and

4) what I did at my meeting.

I told her that I listened to a lot of people talk, and that I saw some movies. (This is true – I went to a brand immersion session at GM and saw some videos that depict the various GM brands and what they stand for). I told her the movies were all about cars, and that seemed to intrigue her. What kind of cars? How big? What are their names? I told her – Cadillac, Saab, Pontiac, Chevy.

The best part was when I got into bed with her, she said, "I love you, Mommy. And I love snuggling with you."


1 comment

Rachel says:

awwwwwwwwwwwwww now i don’t blame you that you

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