Visit to the Vet

Earlier today we took Allie (a.k.a the small red dog) to the vet to get some blood drawn. On the way there, I told M & A that we were going to see the special doctor for animals, like cats and dogs. "And cows too!" said M. "And ducks and chickens and roosters too!" said A. "And horses too!" said M. "And goats too!" said A. Yes, we said, vets see all of those animals too.

M said, "It’s going to be crowded at that doctor’s office!"

1 comment

rachel says:

dear aunt gayle
what did m and a say when they came to the vet? i want you know because thee really are’nt those animals and they would of probrebly get mad
xoxoxoxoxoxo rachel
let’s keep writeing

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