Trip to the Dentist

M & A visited the dentist this morning for the second time ever. The dentist (who has seen cousins SRW & REW as well as Aunts ACW & EWW) told me that the first visit usually goes really well (true, it did) and the second one usually doesn’t. She was right.

M thought she wanted to sit in the chair by herself, but once the scary instruments came out and the bright light was focused on her, she wanted to sit on me, and wasn’t very happy. A started out wanting to sit on me, stalled by asking for I (our beloved nanny – always in the future to be referred to as "I"), and then proceeded to scream through the whole exam. Relaxing.

The bad news: M has a hole in one of her molars that will need to be filled in a few weeks. (Another relaxing morning).

The good news: M had a manicure at the dentist’s after her exam. (She chose orange nail polish, of course.) And A emerged unscathed and selected a blue turtle and a large yellow smiley face sticker as her parting gifts. (Said sticker is still on Mommy’s shirt, and Mommy is at work).