Weekend Update

We had a pretty good weekend, despite rain falling all day yesterday. N got his baseball game in even though it was very rainy. They ended up tying the game, 10-10. Last night Dad and I went to a bar mitzvah at Washington Hebrew and then to the reception at Kenwood. There were lots of Homesnap people there, plus Kate, so we had a lot of fun and too many drinks.


Today we went to the Bethesda arts festival. We came across this beautiful work of art, which is particularly intriguing given my and Nate's obsession with license plates lately. Those are all from the 1920s.


M is in Providence and headed to Boston tonight to see Charlie. She had a great time at Brown.

Poor A has been stuck doing a group project midterm all weekend. She has done 95% of the work, which is the major downside of group projects.

I got this game for N. It's sort of a cross between a popit and Simon. He likes it.


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