Update On Everyone

So here's the update from here. N is away on his trip with the GDS 6th grade. We've heard nothing from him, despite the fact that he smuggled his Apple watch in so that he could text us and tell us who was in his cabin. He'll be home tomorrow afternoon. M is finishing up her midterms tomorrow, then heading to NY – Providence – Boston for her fall break. A has break starting tomorrow but she can't leave because she has to do crew for a production starting next week. She too has midterms and a group project and she is not happy because she is doing all the work for the group project bc the othes haven't done the reading.

Dad and I went out to dinner tonight and are now home. He's asleep in the chair and I am watching the NLDS. 

I still haven't posted pics from USC – will do so tomorrow!

Hobart seems to really like school! He was excited to get there today and may even been trying out some of his new agility schools on a retaining wall outside the entrance. Very cute. Here is his report card for today:

My Trainer Is:
How Many Weeks Have I Attended Doggie Day School?
I Worked On These Commands Today
Lets Go
Down w hand signal
Sit w/o hand signal
Demeanor (may Vary Through Day)
Notes From Our Trainer

Practiced Let’s Go and Wait; he has improved at waiting by the door before going inside/outside! He is also great at walking outside and doesn’t pull ahead often.

Practiced Place; he was able to stay on the cot while around other dogs during group session! He didn’t attempt to get off the cot at all.

Practiced Down with hand signals; he did better today and was able to get into position a lot faster! Luring him into position with cheese was the most effective method since it is a higher value reward.

Practiced Sit without hand signals; he did great as usual and didn’t struggle with the command.

Practiced Come command with treats; he was able to retrieve the treat immediately and come back to me when I called his name!

Today's Overall Grade
A – Absolutely wonderful
Did I Eat My Lunch?
Training Treat Status
All stocked up
Did I Have Any Potty Accidents?
How Was My Stool Today?

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