Best Birthday Ever!

This was an awesome birthday. Really, the best! 

It started at midnight last night at Marc Regardie's house, where a small group of senior staff people gathered to celebrate the Homesnap news. It was the first time I'd seen many of them since March and it was so great to be together. We sat around the fire pit and just talked about how far we've come. Dave and Marc stayed past midnight and rang in my birthday with me. Really nice.

Today, we woke up and Daddy and I did the virtual Turkey Chase. (We each ran 6.2 miles and submitted our times.) It was an easy and fun run in RCP. Then we came home and ordered acai bowls which M picked up. I talked to Grampy, who gave me awesome running clothes (of course). Then Grandma Sandy stopped by to wish me happy birthday in person. Then N and Daddy and I took Lucky for a nice hike in RC. We went to the Capitol Stones and then did a big loop. We are so lucky to have expansive RCP so close by.  Then back home, a little downtime, Zoom with Jonathan and Mom, and then dim sum dinner from our new takeout place in Wheaton. Then I had drinks on Sarah's back patio with Sarah, Laurie and Debra. It's now 11:21 and it has been a great day!

Also M made cookie pie AND white chocolate peanut butter cups, which took forever. And I got the boots I wanted and the Barack Obama book and a baseball stadium trip guide and a kind of random puzzle. So great! And A is making me a playlist and the kids gave me cards and what more could I want?

Just a great bday all around.






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