Bulldog Baseball, Sidwell Drive-by and GOTV

We had a couple of late nights, some social plans, and a double ear infection – ugh – which have prevented me from posting. But it's now Sunday night and Motrin is working, so here I am.

N started a new baseball team today. It was a rocky debut but seems like a good group of boys and a nice coach (at least today's coach) so hopefully it will get better. He's on the team with a few kids from the Swamp Monsters.



The girls have had lots of social plans over the weekend – all outdoors – but they are now consumed with homework and start-of-school activities. A and I went to Sidwell yesterday so she could pick up some supplies for her enviro class. We were only allowed to drive through the garage, but she did see her math teacher, Mr. Lee, in person, which was nice.

N got to see Cole today, which is always a welcome activity.

The Nats still suck, despite a few promising innings over the last few days. 

We had a reunion with the Spector/Halsbands Saturday night, which is always fun.

M is distributing another group of GOTV postcard packets, and Grandma Sandy has been writing lots of postcards too.

That's the update!

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