Here is what N does with his free time:
These are the aces from each MLB team, with ace being defined as the starter who gives the team the best chance of winning the game.
Today N had a great swim playdate here with Nathan G. They had a really nice time. Yesterday he had a great swim playdate with Cole, who has very sadly left for the next 6 weeks or so. We will miss him a lot – he and N have a great time together.
Thank god for the pool! Sadly it is going to rain for the next week or so.
M and A are working hard. M is in Policy Institute 6 hours a day and she's really enjoying it. A has been sleeping late and she and M both have driver's ed from 5-8 every day for the next week and a half. So they are spending a lot of their time on Zoom – not ideal. Tomorrow A has her first piano lesson for an 8 year-old we know. Busy kids!