Last Night Of Vacation

It is our last night here in Portugal. We leave tomorrow AM and head back to the airport, return the (second) rental car, and head home (hopefully!).

Today was a nice mellow day. We sat around by the pool and read a lot, and then had dinner with Jason and Darrah and the girls in Sintra. Unfortunately, Dina tested positive again today so we didn't have dinner with her or spend much time with her today. M and I (and Dad and Darrah earlier in the day) hiked the Moorish Castle in Sintra, which was beyond beautiful and a nice challenge. 

We are mostly packed up and ready to go. It has been a good vacation and I think we are ready to come home.

A is in her new apt in LA. There are some scary storms headed to LA and we are hoping she doesn't get too affected by them. I leave for LA Tuesday AM and I hope I can make it there on time!

Tomorrow or Monday, I will post pics. I have weak internet here so I am gonna wait til I am home.

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