N’s Latest Experiment

Nate has set up another experiment at the door using small pieces of paper. This time, he is measuring who leaves the house the most. When we leave the house, we are supposed to put a piece of paper from our assigned color into the big bowl on the door.




This is classic N. He will definitely do something with stats when he is older.

Today A went to Road Runner Sports with Grampy and got new running shoes and insoles and socks. Thank you Grampy!

And H went for a walk with Stanley. When Stanley sees H on the street, which happened last night, Stanley goes NUTS and H is totally calm. It's so funny, and a little sad for Stanley. Here's a pic of them from today:


Today is M's last day of work at Planta Queen! She was a great server. Congrats M on doing an excellent job this summer.


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