We Love A Parade

Another busy weekend. The hits keep coming…

Saturday we went to the Nats Victory Parade on Constitution Ave. It was great – very positive and happy. All of went minus A, who was still recovering and also doesn't care much about the Nats. We have a gazillion pics. Here are a few.







Max standing on the bus:


The trophy:


And the OG game viewing crew:


Last night Daddy and I went to dinner at the Mullers' – Cole's parents. It was so cute.  4 boys from N's class, playing downstairs in the basement the whole time. We very often go to dinners at people's houses where N knows no one and is so bored – often parents of the girls' friends. This time it was all about the boys. So cute.

Last 2 helmets – now gone.


Today was N's last baseball game. It was a great game. He had a single and two doubles (and did Mama Shark from 2B when he got there). He also played catch with Andrew this afternoon – a deal struck during Game 7 when Andrew asked him to be quiet during the game.



In other non-baseball news, A saw a specialist on Friday who confirmed that she has a kidney stone and that it is now in her bladder (it actually moved there while she was at the office – they saw it on ultrasound). She has been a lot more comfortable since Friday but we don't think it has passed yet 

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