Happy new year! We (mostly) celebrated RH today, though it was really more of a productive day than a religious observance.
We went to services this AM with Grandma Sandy (and enjoyed A's fantastic imitation of Cantor Robbins), and then did this fun sequence of errands:
- Girls' passport renewal at the post office. (We all needed to be there, and during business hours, so today was the perfect day.) Fun!
- M orthodontist appointment – a long one, with mutliple changes and increased hours for wearing retainer and rubber bands. Fun!
- All 3 kids flu shots. Fun!
- Tachlich in RCP – N and Daddy. Didn't sound that fun. But meaningful.
Then Daddy had a work dinner so it wasn't a terribly festive night here, though I did make a new recipe.
BUT IN BIG NEWS… N's 5th tooth fell out when I was brushing his teeth. M said, "Getting 5780 off right!!"
Tonight, on N's bed, we have put the following: Nats pennant across the foot, 2 Nats wristbands on the bottom bedposts, a Nats hat on the top bedpost and a Nats fidget spinner on the other.
We are nervous. #GoNats.
Some pics from the sale of the Volvo yesterday.