Finally Friday

It is the end of the first week of school and I think we are all tired!

N asked if I would drive him to school sometimes, like once a week, so I did this morning. HIs bus takes 30 minutes to get to school, but we made it there in about 10. So he spends a lot of unnecessary time on the bus, since he's at the beginning of the route to school and the end of the route home. Poor N. He seemed in good spirits walking into school, though he HATES answering my questions about who he ate with, who he sits with, who he talks to. As my friend Sarah told me this AM, don't interview for pain. So I'll try to hold off. 

M had her first volleyball game today. It was great! GDS won after being behind a few times during the game. And considering she has never played before, she did great. Here is a pic of her about to serve:


She is a team co-captain and is very enthusiastic. She was also responsible for two of the points that put them over the edge. Tomorrow she has to work the varsity volleyball game day from 9-1 – ugh.

And A is at her first soccer game as I type. (I am at the GDS library while M finishes out working for the varsity game.) I don't know it went but am eager to find out. Here is a pic of her team on the way to the game. I love the shirts!



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