Clearly, I have had a hard time getting back into the swing of posting on P&B&B&B&C&C regularly! It has been a week (!) since I posted last.
Here's what's been going on here…
1) We went to the open house at N's new school on Friday. Change and transition are hard. N's new teacher is on maternity leave and won't be back til the end of the month. He has a long term sub til then who seems very strict. So, even more limbo for poor N. We were hoping he'd be settled this week with a good teacher, and he very well may be in the end, but it's just hard now. He takes the bus on Tuesday too – lots and lots of change for a 7 year-old.
2) We cleaned out M&A's rooms. There had been boxes in their rooms since we moved – last OCTOBER – and now the boxes are finally gone and things are put away. N and I also cleaned out his room yesterday. So that ticks off a big project on the list.
3) The Nats! They've won 8 of their last 10 games. We're going to the game tomorrow – hope to see another curly W!
4) M&A have caught up with friends this weekend. M saw her friend Kira last night and A went to a birthday party and movie tonight with a group of friends from Sidwell.
5) Daddy's training for a triathlon and ran AND biked today. Needless to say, he's now asleep on the couch.
6) Kids have been the pool a fair amount the last few days, though it hasn't been that hot and the water hasn't been that warm.
7) Favorite grocery shop ever tonight – after dinner at Blue, we stopped at Safeway. M was doing funny little skips down the aisle with her cart, and N brought his scooter into the store and scooted up and down the aisles.
8) M&N have made acai bowls 2 out of 3 days. Yum.
School starts on Tuesday. Gonna be a shock to ALL of our systems.
Ok, it's 12:20AM and time for bed!