Camp Updates

So… here's what the kids have been up to. 

N went to the Nats game through Sidwell Voyagers yesterday (we lost) and to a water park today. Andrew saw him at the game and sent me a few pics. So cute! Tonight, N and I had a dinner date at home and then went to get ice cream at Sarah's Handmade. We had a lot of fun. He is going to Camp Nebagamon tomorrow night with Daddy! They are very excited. Well, Daddy is very excited and N is pretty excited. I asked if he were nervous, and he said yes, and then said no.






A is having a good time at AMDA and learning a lot. Tonight Sarah and Rachel came to see her and take her to dinner! Here are some pics. Apparently they saw Bruce Willis at the restaurant? I am glad she ate some outside food and got some snacks. She even saw Hayden for a few minutes. (Also look how cute S&R look!)




We haven't heard from M in a few days because she went on the ST trip to Cedar Point. Here is the letter we got from the camp:

It was a perfect day in Ohio! The weather was good, and the sun was out for all of the STs to enjoy the day at Cedar Point Amusement Park! The girls were divided into groups based on their preferences for rides so they could all enjoy what they like. Lucky for us, Cedar Point is such a big park there is always something fun to do! I had a blast joining some groups on roller costars, swings, rides and even prize booths. The kids were very happy with the day they had when we went on the bus for our long ride back to camp and watched great movies on the way.

Today, the STs had optional breakfast so they could rest after the overnight. During the morning., they all went to choice activities and workshops together. After lunch, they had training with me that focused on team building and the benefits of working in a group both in camp and in school. It was amazing to see how quickly the girls worked together as a group to accomplish all the tasks I gave them. 

For our evening activity the Outdoors Department took the lead and planned great adventures and taught many survival skills. It was the right time to get muddy and messy right before Shabbat. It is always fun to see the girls engaging in the activity and being role models to younger campers since it was a camp wide activity.

And here is a letter N wrote to M tonight:



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