Nate and Ms. Abraham

The girls went to NY this morning on the Vamoose bus. They arrived in record time, at 12:15 or so, and Grandma and Grandpa were there to meet them. All we know about their day is that they went to see Come From Away ("Welcome to the Rock!") and that M liked it a lot. We haven't heard from A or from Grandma and Grandpa so we don't know what else they've done! We are guessing that it included food.

Meanwhile N had another busy day at home. He woke up, hung out here, went to play baseball at Lafayette with Daddy, came back, swam for a while, took a shower, and then met Ms. Abraham, his K teacher, for a date at the Phillips and then out to dinner. He got to show off his art knowledge to Asha, which will make Grandma Sandy happy. He also showed Asha some of the postcards he has at the store.

Here are some pics of their date. Daddy and I went to dinner in Dupont and then picked him up at Kramerbooks.

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Daddy sleeping outside:
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Girls shopping yesterday:

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Girls on Friday night:


Coming up tomorrow: N's art from Sidwell camp last week.

Tomorrow, he starts his third week at Sidwell:

  1. Spanish
  2. Amazing Race
  3. Board Game Mania
  4. Engineering
  5. Painting



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