
Nice summer Saturday! 

M and A and I went to the mall to buy stuff they need for camp/AMDA. Started out fun but we were all ready to leave by the time we were done.

Daddy and N went to his swimming lesson, then for a haircut for N, then back here for swimming with Carolyn. Then I went in the pool with N and we played pool ladderball. N likes to make up lots of rules, like because he's younger and smaller and has less experience, he gets extra turns. Mmmm hmmm.

A went off to meet some friends for dinner who she had been a counselor with at Levine (after a visit here from her friend Hayden). They are watching Stranger Things season 3 which is really violent and scary.

Tomorrow the girls are going to NY to spend 2 nights in New York. They are seeing a show tomorrow night, touring Columbia on Tuesday, and will undoubtedly eat lots of yummy food when they are there. We will miss them a lot! 

Daddy and I are FINALLY hanging framed photos we've had sitting out on the stairs for months. 

(It's Phillies 3 – Nats 4 bottom of the 9th 2 strikes 2 outs and I can't bear the tension. Time to write the blog!)


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