Quiet In DC

It has been very quiet in DC the last week or so. A was here for the 4th but is back in CA, and M was in St. Louis for the 4th but came back when A left. And Dad is now in Africa for work. So there isn't a whole lot to report from here. It is quiet at home.

Here are some pics that I can share:

Here is M and me at the Nats game last Thursday. We waited out a rain delay and it was a pretty good game, tho we did lose in extras.


Here is Grandma Sandy and M at Planta Queen on Friday. We had a very yummy dinner and even better service!


Here is me and Grandma and M.


And here is a pic of Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron and Dad at Planta the weekend before:


No letters from N. 🙁


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