We're having a week of weather here! The days are hot and muggy and the nights are stormy.
M started her Georgetown Debate Seminar yesterday. She enjoyed it but said it's definitely school and not camp. She is there every day from 9-9! A long day. Today en route to Georgetown she was typing her handwritten lecture notes onto her laptop. Very M.
N has this week off from camp. Today he had a piano lesson and a playdate with Sarah. He's spending lots of time with Imogene. Tomorrow he has his annual checkup so we'll see how much he has grown.
A is having a leisurely week!
Here are some more pics from my phone from the last few days.
The gimp keychain M made for N for his birthday: (A made him a stress ball.)
Sunset pics:
Last day of school:
M selfie:
M thought my hair looked red:
Fun with filters: